
How To Smudge Your Home

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring is a great time to "smudge" your home or office. "Smudging" or "cleansing the space of all negative energies" can be done any time of the year. However, the Spring offers a certain kind of "forward energy" that can enhance any kind of intention or endeavor.

According to Eastern medicine, the energy of the Spring is "anger, a pushing through, sometimes even violent." This energy is required for new life to burst up through the ground - pushing the earth away, thus clearing the space for new life to grow. Maybe you have noticed in your own life Spring is a time rebirth and renewal? Maybe even new opportunities appear regularly during this season for you?

Smudging your home or office at this time helps to create more opportunities in your life today as well as setting an intention for the months ahead. First, clean your home. If you really want to maximize the positive effects of smudging, go through your closets and drawers too - giving away anything you have not worn or used in the past year.

Some people like to sell their old clothes/stuff - fine and beneficial, however, I invite you to donate the items if you can afford too (it is a tax write-off too!) This act creates more positive energy for you because it activates a generous spirit and a feeling of plenty within.

What to smudge your home with? I like to use Holy Wood just because I like the scent best - "brings the woods indoors." Some like Sage and others use rosewater, it really doesn't matter. It is the intention that is most important, not the scent. Pick something that you have an immediate positive reaction to - that is the best indicator.

Stand at your front door and begin saying something like..."I clear this room of all negative energies - to go back into the light from which it was born...This room now attracts love, joy, wealth, abundance, good health..." As you speak these words, light your smudge stick and walk along the walls of the room. The idea is to remove all negative energy from the room first and then replace these empty spaces with new positive energy of love and happiness.

When I "clear" homes and offices, this is when I "see" images that are stuck or blocking positive energies. If this happens for you, just send these thoughts and images into the light to be cleared as well. You may even notice "solutions" to problem areas in your home as you smudge the rooms.

Don't worry about your exact words you speak as much as the idea of clearing first each room and then setting the intention of what you want the room (your life) to attract.

Once you have smudged all areas of your home, you can also smudge the yard if you so feel compelled. Otherwise go back into your house. Play some great music. Have something yummy to drink & eat and dream...Dream about the life you desire to unfold in your home. See the love, hope, possibilities - all these for you, waiting for you to step into...And most of all - have fun.

Kelly Ballard is a workshop leader, Intuitive Guide and Healer. Through workshops, private sessions and guided meditations Kelly specializes in helping others discover positive solutions for immediate change/growth in their lives thus drawing their most abundant life into reality. Find out more information about her services and meditation CDs at Contact her directly at 720-984-4232 or email She lives in Boulder, CO.